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Abberior Mounting Media


Abberior TDE Mounting Medium is a specimen mounting medium designed for use in 3D super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, in particular when thick specimens are to be imaged. By matching the refractive index of the embedding medium to that of the oil/ silicone oil /glycerol immersion optical aberrations and scattering are minimized. As a result, light penetrates deeper into the specimen and the imaging contrast is enhanced. These benefits are particularly beneficial in super-resolution imaging/ nanoscopy. TDE also has reducing properties which help against photobleaching. Antifade properties have been reported to be at least as good as other common antifade reagents.


Please note that customers need to sign our End-Use Declaration before we can ship any TDE products.


Abberior offers different embedding media. Abberior Mount embedding media are aqueous embedding media with a refractive index in the range of 1.38. They are very convenient in terms of application. However, due to evaporation of contained water and polymerisation of the embedding medium (for Abberior Mount Solid), the refractive index will change over time.

TDE Mounting media are 2,2'-thiodiethanol based embedding media with refractive indices in the range of 1.408 - 1.518. For many applications TDE Mounting media are superior to aqueous embedding media. Especially for demanding applications as 4Pi microscopy, 3D STED microscopy or isoSTED microscopy, because the refractive index will stay constant over time.