Abberior RESOLFT

Abberior RESOLFT 超分辨系统, 是使用直接光学方式,让发光的面积缩小至超解析境界,每一个光点为真实光点,非经由其他运算取得。PALM 和N-STORM 均为取得Wide-Field 影像之后,再将每个光点经由精密运算得到其荧光分布的中心位置,再将此光点记录为影像的一部分。影像若经运算后才能得到,很有可能会造成误判,但以光学的方式可将运算的错误性排除。
RESOLFT 适用活细胞成像实验


将光线(此光线能量是用来将荧光由On state 转换为Off state),从两个不同方向投射进入,分别将两个方向的光以grating 方式,分散成多个光束,并使两个方向的光产生垂直的偏极效果,投射在焦平面的光则形成矩阵式 pattern


将此 pattern 放大,  两个不同偏极方向的光由于干涉效应,造成强度为0 的区域(图中黑色区域)每一个黑色区域可视为一个donut ,在此总共形成366x317 共116022, 超过 100,000 个 donut



REversible Saturable/Switchable Opticaly Linear Fluorescence Transitions


RESOLFT 的概念是,荧光分子的部分区域转换为不发光状态(Off State),则只有某些区域可保持在可发光状态(On State)。增强转换为Off State的能量,会缩小 On State 的面积,进而提高分辨率。



图,红线代表使荧光分子转换为 Off State 的能量,只有当能量接近 0 时,荧光分子才会发出讯号(绿色区域)。




RESOLFT 使用光学方式,让发光的面积缩小至超解析境界,每一个光点为真实光点,非经由其他运算取得。


PALM 和N-STORM 均为取得  Wide-Field 影像之后,再将每个光点经由精密运算得到其荧光分布的中心位置,再将此光点记录为影像的一部分。影像若经运算后才能得到,很有可能会造成误判,但以光学的方式可将运算的错误性排除。


转换光强度为 0 的区域,即为 荧光可发光的区域(on-state region)

左图  较弱的转换光强度,得到的 on-state region较大

右图  增强转换光的强度,得到 on-state region 较小,即影像光点较小,分辨率较高,为涵盖整张影像,以此 pattern 做扫描即可



STED 即为 RESOLFT 的变形应用,但STED需要的 depletion laser 能量较强,因此较易造成荧光染剂或荧光蛋白的衰退或光漂白现象,RESOLFT 使用 rsFPs (

 reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins ) ,所需转换能量较低,更适用于活细胞的样本应用。


Parallel RESOLFT 则是设计出同时产生多个光点的模式,一次有近百万个donut,大大加速了影像撷取的时间,使得超解析影像可应用于会移动的活细胞样本上。随着更多新的rsFP 的发展,RESOLFT 可进行多色实验,且撷取速度更快,以往约需 2~5 秒 才能得到一张影像,新的荧光蛋白可加速至约 1秒内完成影像。相较于 N-STORM 或 PALM 动辄需要数分钟​才能得到影像,且影像需经过复杂运算,Parallel RESOLFT 更适合活细胞长时间观察。


Neurons located 30–50 µm deep inside organotypic brain slices can be seen. Neuronal dendrites can be distinguished in image B. Courtesy: Nano Lett.


Parallelized RESOLFT nanoscopy. a)–e) Wide-field and RESOLFT images of live HeLa cells expressing keratin19-rsCherryRev1.4 recorded with a parallel-ized RESOLFT-setup. a) Wide-field and b) RESOLFT images with a field of view of 50 􀀁 50 mm. c), d) Magnification of the regions marked in (a) and (b), respec-tively. e) Graph showing a line profile across the region between the arrows marked in (c) (dashed line) and (d) (dots). The RESOLFT data were fitted with three Gaussians (solid line). Each RESOLFT frame was acquired in 160 ms (on: 40 ms, off: 100 ms, read out : 20 ms) and the total acquisition time including the frame rate of the CCD camera was about 18 s. The RESOLFT image in (b) is displayed using a logarithmic color scale in order to highlight the smaller fila-ments. f)–j) Wide-field and RESOLFT two-color recording of live HeLa cells expressing keratin19-rsCherryRev1.4 (red) and vimentin-Dronpa-M159T (green).
f) Wide-field and g) RESOLFT images with a field of view of 34 􀀁 36 mm2. Each frame was acquired in 178 ms for the red channel and 37 ms for the green chan-nel with a total imaging time of ~ 4 s for the green channel and ~ 19 s for the red channel. h),i) Magnification of the regions marked in (f) and (g), respectively.
j) Line profiles across the region between the arrows marked in (h) (dashed line) and (i) (dots). The solid lines represent Gaussian fits. The RESOLFT images were taken with 100 scanning steps. Scale bars: 5 mm (a,b,f,g) and 500 nm (c,d,h,j).


感谢北京大学采用 Abberior RESOLFT 超分辨系统